Best pedestrian accident lawyer

How Does a Pedestrian Accident Lawsuit Work?

Pedestrian Accident Attorney

Best pedestrian accident lawyer
Walking, running, and jogging are all great forms of exercise, especially in good weather. With more people choosing to walk to work and for leisure, there has been an increase in serious and fatal pedestrian accident injuries and deaths. From 2017 to 2021, 375 pedestrians were hit and killed by a vehicle in Orange County. If you have never filed a pedestrian accident lawsuit before, you may be feeling confused about what steps to take. You likely have a lot of questions. Our pedestrian accident attorney at Heritage Accident Lawyers will guide you every step of the way. We are always available for a free consultation at (949) 850-6767. 


Causes of Pedestrian Accidents

Causes of pedestrian fatalities

Pedestrian accidents happen for many of the same reasons as car accidents – distracted driving, poor visibility, road conditions, speeding, reckless driving, and drunk driving. The major difference is that one party is in a protected vehicle, while the other is completely vulnerable to the dangers of the road. This leads to much more serious injuries. 

Drivers and pedestrians must be equally safe on the road by respecting traffic laws and avoiding distractions. While jaywalking is legal in California, pedestrians are still advised to use crosswalks when available to avoid accidents. Motorists must always give pedestrians the right of way at crosswalks and intersections. When both motorists and pedestrians follow and respect the rules of the road, the risk of pedestrian accidents decreases significantly. 


Why File a Pedestrian Accident Lawsuit?

Injured pedestrians may use Bodily injury liability coverage
If you have been injured by a car while crossing the street or in a parking lot, you may file a pedestrian accident claim. A pedestrian accident claims are civil claims that you file against the driver or other party who caused your injuries. By filing a lawsuit, you can seek compensation for your medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages.

A lawsuit can help you recover these losses and hold the responsible party accountable. When dealing with the at-fault party’s insurance company, they are often hesitant to pay the full damages to victims. However, with an experienced pedestrian accident attorney on your side, you have a much greater chance at obtaining full and fair compensation for your current and future expenses related to the accident.


How Our Irvine Law Firm Can Help You After a Pedestrian Accident

How to file pedestrian accident lawsuits
As a pedestrian, you have the right to feel safe while walking or jogging. If a vehicle driver acted negligently and caused you a personal injury, you should hold them liable. Here a few ways how a pedestrian accident lawyer can help you after an accident:

1. Investigate Your Accident

Our pedestrian accident law firm will gather evidence from the accident scene, including photos, surveillance videos, and witness statements. We will also review police reports and traffic records. This information will be used to determine who was at fault for the accident and to build a strong case for your claim.

2. Accurately Assess Your Damages

You may be wondering: What is my personal injury case worth? A personal injury lawyer can help you calculate your compensatory damages, which can range from lost wages to loss of enjoyment of life. A lawyer can get your medical bills paid for, even if you do not have health insurance. They can also help you seek punitive damages if the defendant acted in an especially reckless way. 

3. Negotiate With the Insurance Company

Our experienced attorney will be able to negotiate with the insurance company of the at-fault driver to get you the maximum compensation possible. They will have the experience and knowledge necessary to deal with insurance companies, which can often be difficult and frustrating for accident victims. 

4. File a Lawsuit If a Settlement Cannot Be Reached

Most pedestrian accident cases settle out of court. However, if negotiations with the insurance company are unsuccessful, our pedestrian accident attorney can file a lawsuit on your behalf. We will represent you in court and fight for your right to recover damages.

5. Keep You Case on Deadline

Pedestrian accident victims are bound by California’s statute of limitations. This means that victims must file a claim within a certain time period in order to pursue compensation. California accident victims typically have two years from the date of their accident to file a claim. The statute of limitations differs if your accident involved a government entity. It’s best to speak with pedestrian accident lawyers as soon as possible to keep your case on track. 


How Much Do Pedestrian Accident Attorneys Cost?

Pedestrian accident case
Most pedestrian accident attorneys work on a contingency fee basis. This means that they only get paid if they win your case or reach a settlement with the insurance company. Most personal injury attorneys charge a percentage of the recovery amount, which can range from 25% to 40% depending on the complexity and stage of the case.


Contact an Irvine Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

Injured pedestrians may recover compensation
At Heritage Accident Lawyers, we care about our clients and their well-being. As an Irvine personal injury law firm dealing with motor vehicle accidents and pedestrian accidents, we see the pain and frustration many victims experience. Injuries take an extremely high toll on your physical and mental health, and recovery can take months if not years. An experienced pedestrian accident lawyer can help you recover compensation and get your life back on track as quickly as possible. Talk to us in a free consultation to get a better understanding of your case and discuss your options. 

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